Journal Entry_140321-1

Journal Entry_140321-1
On This Day of Venus…

My Worldly Death

And yes, I found out the hard way,
Even when I am wildly screaming in my death throes,
While trapped in the midst of this extreme agony,
Even my last violent outburst will not rescue me from my destiny.

For me, there simply could never be,
A greater joy in all existence,
Than the luxury of dying alone in my solitude.

~NTx Document


Journal Entry_130304-2 (An Alchemical Reflection)

Journal Entry_140304-2:
On This Day of Mars…

An Alchemical Reflection:

And before time, the passing of proximity,
There was dry land, the golden sands of the desert.
And before emanation, the free-flowing of vibration,
There was the empty void, the vast chasm of nothingness.

~NTx Document


Journal Entry_140304-1 (Song Review)

Journal Entry_140304-1:
On This Day of Mars…

Song Review:


It begins with a whispering,
Some words with no end,
The entrance of moonlit night.

Did I mention I faded through,
A good ten miles?

Destroyer was making him,
Behind enemy lines.

Enemy lines.

Down by the river, I washed up my bloody hands,
Guided by voices and blinded by light.

Touched my halo, feel like I’m coming home,
I lay down my head and wait for the oil.

The oil.

I wait for the oil.
I wait for the oil.
I wait for the oil.
I wait for the oil.

~NTx Document



Nitrate: What happens when Nitrogen falls in love with Oxygen.

Journal Entry_140303-1:
On This Day of Luna…

“I applied my heart and life to seek and to search out by wisdom
concerning all that is known and done under the heavens.

‘Tis a heavy burden, which the Goddess has given
to Her chosen ones, to be afflicted therewith.

For in much wisdom is much grief;
and he who increases in knowledge, increases his sorrow.”

~re-adapted from the writings of “Qoheleth, the Gatherer

          ~NTx Document